Nero's Portfolio

Software Engineer with a passion for React, Redux, ES6, Python and Ruby on Rails.

Decided to become a Software Engineer was when I realized the power of programming and integrating computer languages to turn ideas into tangible and functioning softwares that could bring joy and convenience to other people's life.

Beyond code, I love playing 🏀Basketball, 🏐Volleyball and 🏸Badminton with friends during my spare time. Because of sports, I learned leadership in school teams and the ability of learning things quicker and coping stress better.

Things I Can Do

Listed below are the skills and technological tools I learned and used on all of my projects.

  • React

  • Redux

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • HTML5

  • CSS

  • PostgreSQL

  • MongoDB

  • Git

  • RSpec

  • Amazon AWS S3

  • Node.js

  • Webpack

  • NPM

Project Accomplishments

WeAreStarters, BombDrops, and BizZam are the three projects I worked on in the past 2 month. You may message me if you see any potential improvement or bug on the projects. Yet, more projects of mine will be coming soon.

WeAreStarters (Live Link)

WeAreStarters, a clone of KickStarter. It includes many features that you can find on the real KickStarter website.

The functionalities include a search bar that searches by title and description, the feature to explore different projects in 15 different categories, and the abilities to create, edit and delete project(s).

BombDrops (Live Link)

BombDrops is a web game I built recently with the skills of Vanilla JavaScript for game logic, HTML5 Canvas for rendering and CSS for component styling.

Bombdrops is a simple and educational game that trains player's arithmetic skills by solving math problems before the bombs hit the city (ground).

Covid19 Tracker (Live Link)

Covid19 Tracker is a web application built by React Chart libary for drawing and visualizing the data, and React CountUp library for showing the data in a more dynamic way.

This tracker webapp showcases the live and the most updated data from an external API and gives visitors the options to choose between a global data or a specific country's data.

BizZam (Live Link) Maintaining

BizZam is an online platform for playing user created bingo boards! Make your own Bizzam board modes such as 'scavenger hunt' Bizzam , 'travel' Bizzam, or even 'team-building' Bizzam!

It was developed with React, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, HTML5 and CSS.

Citi Wiki (Live Link)

Citi Wiki is a small search engine that specifically helps users search for the cities in the United State along with a wikipedia link attached in order to explore the city with one simple click.

It was developed with JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. It also utilized a public API to fetch data of all cities in the US and transformed the data into a search engine web app.

Rainbow Pen (Live Link)

Rainbow Pen is an online drawing board that allows users to enjoy drawing or writing with this rainbow pen with adjustable line width, saturation and lightness.

The magic behind the rainbow pen was mainly because of the HTMl Canvas and Colors HSL. HSL provides three properties: hue, saturation, and lightness, in order to present the color-changing pen.

Contact Me

Kindly fill out the form below with your name, and email address. Thank you in advance! I generally respond within one day or as soon as I see it.